Homemade Roti Crispy Prata/Roti Canai Recipe – A Flaky South Asian Delight / 自制印度煎饼

Roti Prata/ Roti Canai, a beloved South Asian dish known for its flaky and crispy texture, is a favorite breakfast or snack for many. This recipe will guide you through the process of making these delicious flatbreads at home.
印度煎饼(Roti Prata)是一道备受喜爱的南亚美食,以其酥脆和松软的口感而闻名。这个食谱将引导您在家制作这道美味的煎饼

Roti Crispy Prata/ Roti Canai, a beloved South Asian dish known for its flaky and crispy texture, is a favorite breakfast or snack for many. This recipe will guide you through the process of making these delicious flatbreads at home.

Roti Crispy Prata/ Roti Canai, a beloved South Asian dish known for its flaky and crispy texture, is a favorite breakfast or snack for many. This recipe will guide you through the process of making these delicious flatbreads at home.

印度煎饼(Roti Prata)是一道备受喜爱的南亚美食,以其酥脆和松软的口感而闻名。这个食谱将引导您在家制作这道美味的煎饼。

Ingredients for Crispy Prata:

  • 150g of Flour (面粉)
  • 2g of Salt (盐)
  • 10g of Sugar (糖)
  • 75g of Water (水)
  • 15g of Evaporated Milk (淡奶)
  • 30g of Planta (白兰他)
  • 50g of Oil (油)

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  1. Start by dissolving the salt and sugar in water and milk.
  2. Mix in the flour and knead it into a smooth dough. Let the dough rest for 5 minutes.
  3. After resting, knead the dough again and let it rest for an additional 5 minutes.
  4. Divide the dough into 4 equal portions, each weighing around 60g.
  5. Flatten each portion slightly and coat it with Planta. Let the dough rest for another 5 minutes.
  6. Spread some oil on your working surface.
  7. Flatten each dough portion into a larger round shape. Flip it to create a thin layer and fold up the dough.
  8. Press the folded dough to a palm-sized shape.
  9. In a hot pan, pan-fry the prata until it turns golden brown on each side, which should take about 1 minute for each side.
  10. To make the Roti Prata soft and flaky, slap it a few times before serving.

Enjoy your homemade Roti Prata with your favorite dipping sauces or fillings!

  1. 首先,将盐和糖溶解在水和淡奶中。
  2. 将面粉混合进去,揉成光滑的面团。让面团休息5分钟。
  3. 休息后,再次揉面团,并让其再次休息5分钟。
  4. 将面团分成4个等分,每个约60克。
  5. 轻轻将每个部分稍微压扁,然后涂上白兰他。让面团再次休息5分钟。
  6. 在工作台上抹些油。
  7. 将每个面团压扁成一个较大的圆形。翻转它,创造出一个薄的层,然后将面团折叠起来。
  8. 将折叠好的面团按成掌心大小。
  9. 在热锅中,将煎饼煎至两面金黄,每面约需1分钟。
  10. 为了使印度煎饼(Roti Prata)变得松软和酥脆,在上菜前拍打几下。


The History and Story of Roti Prata/ Roti Canai – A South Asian Culinary Gem

It also known as “prata” or “paratha,” is more than just a South Asian dish; it’s a culinary journey that has spanned centuries and cultures. This beloved flatbread has found its way into the hearts of many and has an intriguing history that has evolved and adapted through time.

历史和故事 – 南亚烹饪之珍


The Origins 起源:

The story can be traced back to the Indian subcontinent. “Paratha,” as it’s known in India, was initially a simple unleavened flatbread made from wheat flour, water, and a pinch of salt. Due to its simplicity, paratha became a staple in Indian cuisine. However, its transformation into Roti Prata as we know it today occurred as it made its way to Southeast Asia..

故事可以追溯到印度次大陆。在印度被称为“Paratha”的Roti Prata最初是一种由小麦面粉、水和少许盐制成的简单无酵扁平面饼。由于其简单性,Paratha成为印度烹饪的主食。然而,它演变成今天的Roti Prata发生在它传入东南亚时。

Migration and Adaptation 迁徙和适应 :

With the movement of people, cultures, and cuisines, this food ventured into Southeast Asia, particularly to Singapore and Malaysia. It was in these countries that its underwent a significant transformation, adapting to the local flavors and ingredients. The dough was expertly stretched and flipped to create its signature thin, flaky layers. It was also filled with various savory ingredients, making it more substantial and flavorful.

随着人、文化和美食的流动,Roti Prata进入了东南亚,特别是新加坡和马来西亚。正是在这些国家,Roti Prata发生了重大变革,适应了当地的风味和食材。面团被熟练地拉伸和翻转,以创造其标志性的薄而酥的层次。它还被填充了各种美味的成分,使其更加丰富和美味。

Cultural Significance 文化意义:

In Singapore and Malaysia, this food is more than just a food item; it’s a cultural symbol. It’s commonly enjoyed as a breakfast dish or a snack, often served with dhal (lentil curry) or other savory accompaniments. The process of making it is an art form in itself, as the dough is expertly stretched and flipped to achieve its signature thin, flaky layers.

在新加坡和马来西亚,它不仅仅是一道食物;它是一种文化象征。它通常作为早餐或小吃享用,通常与dhal(扁豆咖喱)或其他美味佐餐一起供应。制作Roti Prata的过程本身就是一门艺术,因为面团被熟练地拉伸和翻转,以实现其标志性的薄而酥的层次。

Evolution and Adaptation 演变和适应 :

The its journey from India to Southeast Asia, it absorbed the flavors and ingredients of the region. It evolved to become more savory and was sometimes filled with ingredients like egg, onions, and minced meat. The addition of condensed milk or sugar made it a sweet treat for those with a sweet tooth.


Enjoyed Around the World 世界各地的享受:

Today, this Roti is not confined to Southeast Asia. It has gained international recognition and is enjoyed by people from all walks of life. Its influence has spread, and you can find variations of this dish in different corners of the world.


A Culinary Ambassador 烹饪大使:

This Roti has become a culinary ambassador, introducing the world to the rich and diverse flavors of South Asian cuisine. It’s a testament to the adaptability and universality of certain foods, transcending borders and cultural differences.

Roti Prata已经成为一个烹饪大使,向世界介绍了丰富多样的南亚美食口味。这证明了某些食物的适应性和普遍性,超越了国界和文化差异。

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